Bridging the gap between diversity and community.

Diversity by itself is not enough.

As diversity continues to play a critical role in shaping the future of American society, redefining the meaning of community and what it will look like in the future is equally important. The Diversity Plus Initiative is committed to partnering with churches, organizations, and institutions to bridge the gap between diversity and community. We go beyond superficial diversity and help implement processes that promote reconciling community.

We Equip

We partner with churches, organizations, and institutions and spiritually, emotionally, and mentally prepare them to respond to a racially divided world. This requires doing the difficult work of walking through the painful history of the past in order to establish a firm foundation for the future. Creating a more just society demands more than good intentions, it necessitates individual, institutional, and structural change and healing so that the image of God in us is restored in us and we can honor and treat one another with dignity on this side of heaven.

We Educate

The history of race in the United States of America is often taught from what many scholars describe as the “master narrative.” At DPI, we seek to provide a more expansive and inclusive account of how America came to be and what that represents today. We also present a biblical framework for diversity and its purpose. In addition, we educate beyond diversity on many issues including justice, inclusion, equity, restoration, and reconciliation. DPI works with researchers and scholars to ensure that people have access to more robust and inclusive educational resources that allow them to grow in awareness and become critical thinkers who can make well-informed decisions that better our world.

We Engage

We are interconnected as followers of Jesus and at the same time called to make a meaningful impact not only as individuals but as a body of believers. At DPI we prioritize everyone being a participant in the work of justice and reconciliation. We teach that it is possible to pray and wrestle with the heavy topics together while we share our stories, experiences, trauma, areas where we struggle to forgive why forgiveness is necessary, and what it takes to advance the Kingdom of God forward. In allowing people to be their true selves, we can engage in authentic community and move towards racial healing.

We Empower

Establishing your identity plays a major role in perceiving and embracing diversity. Part of the way that we empower others is by having participants do a self-racial evaluation to examine their core beliefs and explore what they learned from their family of origin. As one grows in self-awareness, blindspots begin to fade and one becomes more and more empowered to do the work of reconciliation.